Financial Coaching

Financial Coaching

Financial Coaching

Our financial coaches will help you develop and maintain healthy financial habits. Here we will go over your financial goals and together determine the steps involved in reaching them. Areas reviewed during a coaching session include (but are not limited to) financial goals, savings, debt, spending plans, and credit. You will walk away with a personalized action plan with the next steps in reaching your goals.

Depending on what your goals are, multiple financial coaching sessions may be suggested. For example, many clients have a goal of a more bankable credit score. For these sessions we would go in depth on what is in your credit report for accuracy of all items listed. We will then create actionable next steps of was to improve your credit situation. Often, validation and credit dispute letters may be a useful tool that your Financial Coach can help you with. While credit does take time to increase, knowing best practices for credit usage and what possible tools and products are out there, may reduce that timeline. For information regarding prices, click here.

Spend Smart Financial Literacy Workshops

Everyone can benefit from being smarter about managing their money. These financial literacy workshops, held in two sessions, will help you do just that. Part I topics include: financial goal setting, creating an effective spending plan, building your savings and maximizing your income. Part II topics include: paying down debt, best practices for credit utilization, credit building & repair, along with much more. For information regarding prices, click here.

Troy Rehabilitation Improvement Program (TRIP), Inc.
& Rensselaer County Housing Resources (RCHR), Inc.

TRIP & RCHR Main Office, Home Ownership Center
and Rental Office
409 River Street, 1st fl Troy, NY 12180

(518) 272-8289
(518) 272-1950

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