Avoiding Foreclosure

Default/Foreclosure Prevention Counseling
We work with homeowners who are behind on their mortgage loan(s), or in danger of becoming delinquent, to assess their current financial situation, and help to understand what options may be available. TRIP works with homeowners to help prevent foreclosures where possible. We enable the homeowner to determine the best financial solution for their specific situation. Homeowners receive a written action plan to achieve whichever option they wish to pursue.
Unfortunately, keeping the home is not always an option, or a homeowner may choose that they don’t want to keep the home. In those cases, we can also help homeowners understand their options to exit gracefully.
If needed, TRIP can serve as a liaison between homeowners and their mortgage lenders to negotiate reasonable work-out solutions for both parties.
Many times we help homeowners applying for work out programs with lenders to ensure all paperwork is filled out correctly. We provide homeowners with a checklist of all required documentation needed for modification applications, forbearance applications, short sale applications, etc.
Answering the Summons and Complaint
If you have been served a foreclosure summons by a Sheriff, you must give the court a written response within 20 days of when the Sheriff served the papers. If you can, get legal help when you write your response to the court. If the packet includes a form that says you have a right to mediation, complete the form and send to the court with your answer. Mediation will put the foreclosure case on hold. The court will send you a list of housing counseling agencies and legal partners in the area that can assist you with this process. If you need help with your answers, contact Legal Aid (518) 462-6765 or Legal Project (518) 435-1770 for assistance. If you have additional questions, contact us at (838)900-5773.
Don’t Wait! Start Now!
Contact our Foreclosure Prevention Advisor at (518) 949-9001 to answer questions regarding your current situation. Please keep in mind that we are not able to give full guidance on your situation until we receive all necessary documents to assess your situation. All supporting documentation must be submitted to your personal Compass Portal on our TRIP website for us to open your case.
Before you call, and if you are able, gather the following:
- Your most recent mortgage statement
- Any communications received from lender (for example: Summons of Foreclosure)
- A recent paystub, or other income documentation
Many homeowners who get behind are afraid to open their mail! It is VERY important to OPEN YOUR MAIL!
Since 2012, TRIP has received funding from the NYS Attorney General’s Homeowner Protection Program (HOPP).

TRIP is part of the HOMESAVE COALITION. Visit their website for additional Information regarding foreclosure in NYS: www.homesave.info.
Have you been contacted by someone claiming they can save you from foreclosure?
Check The New York State Attorney General’s Scam Help first!
If you choose to work with someone other than your lender, proceed with extreme caution if an individual or company:
- Calls itself a “mortgage consultant” or “foreclosure service”
- Encourages you to lease your home so you can buy it back over time
- Collects a fee before providing any services to you
- Instructs you to cease all contact with your lender, credit or housing counselors, lawyer or other legitimate experts
- Tells you to make your mortgage payments to anyone other than your lender
- Requires that you transfer your property deed or title to anyone other than your lender
- Tells you that, as part of the deal, you will need to move out of your house for some period of time for remodeling or other reasons
- Offers to buy your house for cash at a fixed price that is not set by the housing market at the time of sale
Find out information on how to prevent and identify foreclosure scammers here.