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Your Tax Return Can Help You Buy a House

It’s tax prep time. It’s fun to dream about what you might do with the money: a weekend getaway, make a down payment on a new car, take yourself on a shopping spree. But if you are a renter, TRIP would like you to consider putting your tax return toward a house of your own. Visit one of our HUD-certified housing counselors and find out how to best use the money toward the goal of home ownership. It might be paying down debt or maybe you’re in a good spot to start looking for houses while you complete our home buyer orientation. Our programs help you maximize the money from Uncle Sam. When it comes to filing your taxes, there are a several options for free tax prep. Virtual VITA, our local United Way, and the IRS itself. Income limits are higher than you might think. Some programs accept customers who made up to $64,000 in 2023. This time next year, you could be planning an improvement project in a house that belongs to you.

Troy Rehabilitation &
Improvement Program (TRIP), Inc.

Main Office & Rental Office

3rd Floor
415 River Street
Troy, NY 12180
(518) 272-8289
(518) 272-1950

Rensselaer County
Housing Resources (RCHR), Inc.

TRIP & RCHR NeighborWorks
HomeOwnership Center

1st Floor
409 River Street
Troy, NY 12180
(518) 690-0020
(518) 690-0025

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